Cool Cuisine:Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming combines scientific fact and culinary art. It shows new ways of looking at the climate crisis, and how global warming and the agrochemical food system affect each other. Full of inspiring, healthy, global-cooling recipes, the book is divided into three parts: background to the global-warming problem, solutions, and culinary tips and techniques.
Enjoy this evening with Stec and Cordero and discover that food choices can reduce global warming, learn that what we eat does have an impact on the planet, and find out how to create a more sustainable world. Copies of Cool Cuisine: Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming will be available for purchase; the program will be followed by a book signing. This Silicon Valley Reads event is co-sponsored by the Foundation & Friends of Santa Clara City Library. To reserve a place at this free Cool Cuisine book talk, stop by the Reference Desk or call (408) 615-2900.
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