Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Novel Solution to the Reading Doldrums- Novelist

Have you read every book by your favorite author already? Maybe you have to read an epistolary, a bildungsroman, or a jeremiad for a class and you don't know where to start. Want a pot boiler with a good pot roast recipe? Novelist can help guide you to find just what you are looking for ( long as you are looking for fiction)!

Just click on the Novelist link in the Resource Database section of our website to begin. From there you can find author read-alikes, lists of recommended genre fiction, and novels featuring just about anything you can imagine. Type in a title, author, or subject you like and start the search for your next favorite book.

If you find yourself needing any assistance, the folks at the 1st and 2nd floor information desks would be happy to help you.