Monday, November 16, 2009

Photos of Santa Clara's Historic Houses and Landmarks Presentation

Correction: Mary Hanel will be the speaker for the Tuesday night, Nov. 17th, Santa Clara County Historical and Genealogical Society meeting. She will speak about photographs of Santa Clara's historic houses and landmarks.

Where: Santa Clara Central Park Library, Cedar Room, 2635 Homestead Rd., Santa Clara

When: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Speaker: Mary Hanel, Local History Librarian

Topic: Photos of Santa Clara's Historic Houses and Landmarks

Mary Hanel, Local History Librarian, will present a PowerPoint slide show developed by Gabriel Ibarra, "Photographer of Light" showcasing lovely historic homes in Santa Clara that he has researched and photographed. Samples of historic photos of old Santa Clara from the Library's Heritage Pavilion photo collections will be on display. Mary Hanel will also review which archives and libraries have extensive Santa Clara County historical photo collections and provide web addresses for those that have scanned and put some of their collections online.

Our meetings are free and open to all who are interested in family history or just history. Come and join us for coffee, tea and cookies.

For more information on future meetings please visit our website,

Ted Wilson Home on Winchester Rd., Santa Clara, circa 1910

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