You'll just need to access our Santa Clara City Library website and follow the prompts on the front page. You'll be directed to registration forms for children or teens. Fill in the required information, click on the "done" button, and your child will be registered in the program and ready to begin reading. You'll be able to print your child's reading log sheet, or you may get one from the Library Youth Services desk. Teen Read participants will be picking up their packets from the Youth Services desk.
Before you begin the registration process, you'll need to be ready to provide some basic information:
- My child's library card number. Children will need to have a valid Santa Clara City Library card.
- Child's grade in SEPTEMBER. You will need to list the grade your child will be ENTERING IN SEPTEMBER, as well as the name of the school that he or she will be attending. Children who will be entering Kindergarten through 6th grade in September register in the children's program. Students who will be entering 7th through 12 grade register in the Teen Read program. Preschool children, plus those who are too young to attend school, also register in the children's program.
Mark your calendars for our Summer Reading Club Kickoff Celebration outside the Central Park Library, from 1 to 4 p.m., Saturday, June 6.
posted by jtb