Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Water and paper don’t make the best combination. Much like a badly written noir, the results are generally an unreadable pulpy mess. But books featuring water are an entirely different story. That little trinity of hydrogen and oxygen has played a huge role between the covers of many a book… and also in our new book display.

What would Nemo (not the cute animated fish, but rather the somewhat unhinged submarine captain), Odysseus, Jack Aubrey, or Captain Ahab be without the seas? Jimmy Buffet would be out of business if there were no beaches for the beach bums. And seriously, what else can authors make characters stare into in order to have them seem lost in thought or deeply complex?

Take the rivers out of books and what happens to the fly-fishermen or the unlucky adventurers? You’ll need to write about oceans for a boat cruise to romance. And what is a more scenic place for authors to dispose of bodies?

Please visit our new book display on the first floor to find something that floats your boat.

posted by jw