150 years ago on April 12, the U.S. Civil War began when Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina, was fired on and captured by the Confederacy. Read more in this Wall Street Journal
Read these books about the Civil War that the library staff recommended on the April Staff Favorites list. (Staff Favorites are one of the Featured Lists found on the online catalog search page or by selecting the tab Research/Resources Readers' Links.)
Books for Children:
Iron Thunder the Battle Between the Monitor and the Merrimac : a civil war novel by Avi
Juvenile Fiction Avi Tom's job as an assistant for Captain John Ericsson, inventor of the Merrimac, makes him a target of Confederate spies. For readers 8-12 years old.
Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco
Juvenile Fiction Polacco Say Curtis describes his meeting with Pinkus Aylee, a Black soldier, during the Civil War, and their capture by Southern troops. Based on a true story by the author's great great grandfather. Grade 4 and up.
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