May is Healthy Vision Month! Learn some facts about keeping your eyes healthy by visiting the display next to the Youth Services desk. In addition, here are some more interesting facts:
- Infants should have their first eye exam at around 6 months. Then, children should have their first comprehensive eye exam around 3 years old, unless a family history indicates that it should happen sooner.
- Children and adults should wear recommended protective eyewear during the appropriate sports and recreational activities.
- Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays that contribute to various eye diseases.
- Eat the right foods to help keep your eyes healthy. Try those with lots of beta-carotene (carrots, apricots), lutein (spinach, corn), and vitamin C (bell peppers, oranges).
- Protect your child from furniture's sharp corners. Your 2-year-old is just the right height for his or her eye to reach the coffee table corner.
- Teach your child to always walk when holding items such as pens, pencils, scissors, etc.
- Children should avoid using cleaning products without their parents' permission. Chemicals, such as bleach, can cause serious eye harm if it gets into your eye.
- Don't forget to wash your hands after touching any chemicals or even after petting the household dog, cat, or other animal.
*Some facts from medicalcenter.osu.edu, msnbc.com, and unightforsight.org.
Learn more about how to keep your eyes healthy by visiting the American Academy of Ophthalmology's site "Get Eye Smart" and the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Or, visit the library.
“On the Path to Good Health” is supported by Kaiser Permanente and the Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends.
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