Our color-coded classification system will help you find books that are suitable for your child's reading level.
Important hint: Please make sure your child accompanies you to the Library so that our children's librarians can help you find books that will be just right for your child's interests and abilities.
Our easiest books, with blue labels, have short words and short sentences, perfect for children who are learning to sound out words. Books in this classification include Hop on Pop, Make Me Grin and Just Bugs.
Look for books with green labels if your child is ready for two-syllable words and simple stories. Some great choices in this category are the Biscuit series by Alyssa Capucilli and the Puppy Mudge series by Cynthia Rylant.
Our yellow label books have a wide range of old favorites, as well as some new titles, that make interesting reading for children who are gaining confidence in their abilities to understand clever stories with short chapters. Look for Days with Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel, the Mr. Putter and Tabby series by Cynthia Rylant, and the Amelia Bedelia series by Peggy Parish.
Books with red labels contain more difficult words and sophisticated concepts. The Nate the Great series by Marjorie Sharmat will challenge readers who are nearly ready to move up to the chapter books in our Juvenile Fiction collections.
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