Representatives from the Santa Clara City Library Foundation will give welcoming remarks from the outdoor stage at 1:00 p.m. Funding for the Summer Reading Club has been provided by the Library Foundation and Friends, as well as Applied Materials, Mission City Community fund and Fairfield Residential LLC.
There will be music and plenty of excitement when contestants in our "Air Guitar Contest" take the stage at 1:30 p.m.
Our featured entertainer, Jean Paul Valjean, will bring his popular "Short Attention Span Circus" onstage at 2:00 p.m. You'll be amazed with his skills as a magician, juggler and contortionist.
A "Healthy Living" program will be presented at 3:00 p.m. by Kaiser. This program will take place in the Library Redwood Room.
Other outdoor activities will be crafts, face painting and souvenir photos with Be Creative @ Your Library character cutouts.
Summer Reading Club online registration also starts on June 6. Just click on the Santa Clara City Library home page for details.
posted by jtb