Tax forms are
not available at Santa Clara City Library, but some tax resources and information about where to get tax forms and booklets are available. There is a handy
Tax Forms/Help button on the
Library's website which includes:
- where tax forms may be printed/downloaded from the Web
- where forms may be picked up in person
- how to order forms by telephone
- how to request forms for delivery by mail
- where to find tax assistance (by phone, on the Web, and in person)
- filing and refund information
- other Internet resources
Pick up the
2007 Tax Information handout at a public service desk, and be sure to ask at the Central Park Library 2nd floor Reference Desk if you need help finding tax resources or if you need guidance printing your own forms for 14 cents per page.
Books are also available in the library collection to assist you with tax questions. Free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is offered to members of the community on Saturdays: March 22, 29, and April 5 & 12 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Central Park Library Cedar Room. For more information about this service, call 1 (800) 829-1040 or Library Administration at (408) 615-2930.