Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Name for Investment Resource

Our Library Edition electronic resource has been renamed. It is now Morningstar Investment Research Center. In additional to a new name it has a new interface and has added an industries section. This new section contains performance data for mutual fund categories, major stock and bond indexes, stock sectors, and industry sectors.

If you own a mutual fund, exchange-traded fund (ETF), or stock, try looking up an analyst research report for one of your investments. The reports contain Morningstar ratings of the investment's risk, return, and overall performance. They also recommend what role the investment should play in your investment portfolio.

For additional stock and mutual fund analysis, try our Value Line Research Center (VLRC) electronic resource. You can access VLRC within our Central Park Library whereas Morningstar Investment Research Center is accessible from both within our Central Park Library and Mission Library. You will find both of these electronic resources on our Research Databases Web page.

If you have a question or need assistance, come to the second floor Reference Desk or call (408)615-2900.