Please visit our new book display on the first floor to find something that floats your boat.
posted by jw
Our Morningstar.com Library Edition electronic resource has been renamed. It is now Morningstar Investment Research Center. In additional to a new name it has a new interface and has added an industries section. This new section contains performance data for mutual fund categories, major stock and bond indexes, stock sectors, and industry sectors.
If you have a question or need assistance, come to the second floor Reference Desk or call (408)615-2900.
The questions for the U.S. Naturalization test are changing. On October 1, 2008, naturalization applicants will begin taking the revised test. See the new 100 questions. Visit the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services web site for printable tests, a brochure and Frequently Asked Questions about the new test.
The library has books and videos for preparing for citizenship. These materials are for both the current test and the new October 2008 tests. Borrow brand new study flash cards from the Reference desk for use in the library.