Ever wonder what it might be like to be any of the professions that children say they want to be? Explore our resources to get the inside scoop on the following popular career choices. Titles marked with an * can be found in our Young Adult or Adult sections:
Astronaut*Acting A to Z: The Young Person's Guide to a Stage or Screen Career by Katherine Mayfield
Break a Leg!: The Kids' Book of Acting and Stagecraft by Lise Friedman
Cool Scripts & Acting: How to Stage Your Very Own Show by Karen Latchana Kenney
Kids Take the Stage: Helping Young People Discover the Creative Outlet of Theater by Lenka Peterson
*Opportunities in Acting Careers by Dick Moore
All about Astronauts by Miriam GrossBallerina
Astronauts at Work by Deborah A. Shearer
What Do Astronauts Do? by Carmen Bredeson
DoctorThe Ballet Book: The Young Performer's Guide to Classical Dance by Debra Bowes
*The Ballet Companion: A Dancer's Guide to the Technique, Traditions, and Joys of Ballet by Eliza Gaynor Minden
Ballet School by Naia Bray-Moffatt
*The Pointe Book: Shoes, Training & Technique by Janice Barringer
The Young Dancer by Darcey Bussell
*Becoming a Doctor: From Student to Specialist: Doctor-Writers Share their Experience by Lee GutkindFirefighter
*On Becoming a Doctor: Everything You Need to Know about Medical School, Residency, Specialization, and Practice by Tania Heller
What Does a Doctor Do? by Felicia Lowenstein
Police Officer*Becoming a Firefighter by LearningExpress
A Day in the Life of a Firefighter by Linda Hayward
Firefighter by Philip Abraham
Firefighter by John Riddle
What Does a Firefighter Do? by Erin Schmidt
*Career Opportunities in Law Enforcement, Security, and Protective Services by Susan Echaore-McDavidTeacher
Police Officers by Charnan Simon
What Does a Police Officer Do? by Felicia Lowenstein
VeterinarianTeachers by Melanie Mitchell
*The Truth about Teaching: What I Wish the Veterans Had Told Me by Coleen Armstrong
*U.S. News & World Report Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Teacher by Ben Wildavsky
What Does a Teacher Do? by Felicia Lowenstein
A Day in the Life of a Veterinarian by Mary Bowman-KruhmAs always, please visit the Youth Services desk and ask a librarian if you want help finding books or resources about certain careers!
Pets at the Vet by Alyse Sweeney
Veterinarian by John Riddle
Posted by ws (formerly wk)