Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Riddle Me This

Back in the day, you’d be on your way to Thebes, minding your own business, and some lion/human hybrid would show up and riddle you. If you failed to answer, not only would you be denied entry to the city, the creature would eat you. A bit of a bummer really. As you could guess, Theban tourists were few and far between until some smarty-pants came along and solved the riddle. The sphinx, being the sore loser that most mythical animals are, threw herself off a cliff in response to being outsmarted. Interestingly, most Greek representations of sphinxes show them with wings. So while the exit is great for melodrama, it smacks of being illogical.
And then there is Pericles. In Shakespeare’s play (well, at least it is mostly his play), the poor guy is given a trick riddle from a king. To speak the answer would get him killed and to not answer would result in the same fate. Crafty fellow that he is, he says he needs some time to think and pulls a Houdini. From that point on, just about every possible calamity befalls the young prince.
Should you be interested in viewing said calamities or finding out just why a riddle’s answer could be so dire, San Francisco’s Free Shakespeare in the Park will be performing Pericles this weekend at Memorial Park in Cupertino.
posted by -jw-
Monday, July 28, 2008
NASA Images Now Available

The web site launch is the first step in a five-year partnership that will add millions of images and thousands of hours of video and audio content, with enhanced searching and viewing capabilities, and new user features on a continuing basis.
If you want to read and see more about NASA images visit NASA's web site or you might want to try these from the library:

DVD 538.768 A93 Aurora Borealis: the magnificent lights of the northern sky

523. 43 M36 Mars: the NASA Mission Reports compiled from the NASA Archives and
edited by Robert Godwin
523.43 N27 Viking Orbiter Views of Mars
and let your sight impaired friends know that we have a Braille book on this topic:
520 G845 Touch the Universe: a NASA Braille Book of Astronomy
Saturday, July 26, 2008
MS Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel and Powerpoint

Download the file:
Friday, July 25, 2008
Last Week of Summer Programs

The Youth Services Department has an exciting week planned to help celebrate our Summer Reading Club, which is sponsored by Applied Materials Foundation, Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends, the Mission City Community Fund, and India Cash and Carry.
Children and families are invited to the following programs during the week of July 28 through August 3:
Monday, July 28
3:00 and 7:00 p.m.--Family movie, Antz, ages 8 and older
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
In a Run Down Office Behind a Door With a Frosted Glass Window...

The writer Raymond Chandler (who was born on today’s date in 1888) was one of the authors to help sear this archetype into the public’s mind. Both he and Dashiell Hammett were at the forefront of the “hardboiled” detective novels. They created beleaguered private eyes with a penchant to drink scotch and shoot their mouths off when in danger of being shot themselves. The dialogue is fast paced and pointed, like a hyper-masculine Gilmore Girls episode where people are getting roughed up and double crossing one another. Later on film noir would take up these themes, but to begin with, it was all written out in the old pulp magazines like Black Mask.
Speaking of movies though, when you think of Philip Marlowe, the private detective who is frequently at the center of Chandler’s books, you are probably envisioning this gentleman. Could be worse.
posted by -jw-
Monday, July 21, 2008
Do you wish you had a rich uncle?

Search the library catalog using the word Debt as the subject and find many great books. Try these for example:
Deal with your debt: the right way to manage your bills and pay off what you owe by Liz

Managing Debt for Dummies by John Ventura 2007

Friday, July 18, 2008
Catch the Reading Bug: SILKWORM

You can visit these live "Reading Bugs" at the Youth Services Desk and read about them in The Life Cycle of a Silkworm, a juvenile non-fiction book by Ron Fridell and Patricia Walsh.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Best of the Booker Award to Midnight's Children

It is the story of Saleem Sinai, who was born at midnight, August 14, 1947, simultaneously with the birth of Modern India. Midnight's Children presents a fascinating history lesson through a convoluted, fantasical story about all the children born at midnight. They have special powers of telepathic communication, foresight and enhanced senses. Saleem's nose can smell extraordinarily well. This novel of magical realism will transport you to another time and place.
Rushdie is on tour in the United States promoting his newest book The Enchantress of Florence.
Salman Rushdie will be appearing at the 2008 National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. on September 27, 2008.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Alrie Middlebrook to Discuss California Native Gardens

Learn about the diversity of California plants and ecology-based landscaping. Discover how to conserve water and reduce the use of pesticides, while designing a sustainable native garden which reflects the natural beauty of the local ecology. To reserve a space for this free gardening program with Alrie Middlebrook, stop by the Reference Desk or call (408) 615-2900.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Will You "Catch The Reading Bug?"

"This book is the story of an exciting trip on the road. It’s about the adventures of two half sisters who are going from Illinois to Reno. Their car broke down and they met a strange lady. She invited them for lemonade, since they looked tired. Everything she served them had been made from lemons. The strange lady told a story about her cat. She tried to poison the cat because the cat kept scratching her at night. Then she accidentally gave the poison to Carin, one of the main characters. Read the book to find out if she survived!"
Kids and teens, if you've read an interesting book, please send us your comments and we'll publish them in a Feature Friday Youth Services blog. Just click the "Your Feedback" button at the right of this screen and type your comments in the suggestions box.
posted by jtb
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The No Talking in the Theater Rule Even Applies to Those on the Screen

Monday, July 7, 2008
Make Better Decisions About Your Health

You can find this and many other helpful medical books, DVDs, electronic resources, newsletters, and magazines on the 2nd floor of Central Park Library in the Kaiser Health and Wellness collection.

Friday, July 4, 2008
Celebrate Reading!
Our friend, Angelica, has the perfect book to recommend, Inkheart, by Cornelia Funke.

"This is the best book for someone that loves to read about adventure and mystery. I would recommend this book to kids about 10 years and up.It's a little scary, but it can still take you somewhere else! You can also feel thepassion of the character Meggie when she finally meets a very special someone in
a long time. But I can't tell you! You'll have to read the book to find out for yourself! And if you like/love this book, then you can read her other books, Inkspell and coming soon Inkdeath. Enjoy the book!"
Kids and teens: Have you read a good book lately? Your comments could be published in a Feature Friday Youth Services blog. Just click the "Your Feedback" button at the right of this screen and type your comments in the suggestions box.
posted by jtb
On this date in 1960

Baseball and the 4th of July go together. Read more about the history of baseball in California in these books:
From Asahi to Zebras: Japanese American Baseball in San Jose, California by local author, Ralph Pearce, tells about donkey baseball. From the book “…playing ‘donkey baseball’ at Washington Park in Santa Clara. In donkey baseball, all the fielders except the pitcher and the catcher were required to ride donkeys. A batter would bat normally, but if he got a hit, he had to ride a donkey around the base paths...[some people] had trouble staying on the donkey…[one time] a batter hit to the outfield but the outfielder beat him to first base with the ball because his own donkey would not budge!”

This photograph is from the City’s Santa Clara Historic Archives, housed at the Headen-Inman House. You can view it and others in the Silicon Valley History Online collection.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Oh You Scientists... What Will You Think of Next?

Not to be outdone, the scientists of CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) have spent 25 years creating a device that might accidentally destroy the Earth. Top that rookie!
Why would anyone build something with an “oops factor” of planetary annihilation? Because in order to find out what happened at the Big Bang, you essentially have to recreate it on a much smaller scale. Enter the Large Hadron Collider. The LHC is buried 300 feet below the border of France and Switzerland. Here, protons will be accelerated through a 17 mile long circular tube at 99.9% of the speed of light. Then, living up to its name, they will be collided.
What happens afterwards is anyone’s guess. It is thought that they will find the Higgs Boson, a theoretical particle that is believed to give matter its mass. They may also find that the universe has quite a few more dimensions than previously thought. On the flipside, it could create a black hole that eats the world. Or they may unleash a “strangelet,” another theoretical particle that would turn earth into a "hot dead lump” almost instantaneously.
Recently, CERN released a report stating that the fears of the LHC destroying the world are bunk. The possibility of the doomsday scenarios are extremely slim. In truth though, it's a shame they gave the game away like that. The suspense would have been amazing.