“…I’m sorry, I’m not following you. What is it that I am free to do?”
"That’s the question. What are you Free2 do?”
“Perhaps I’m free to find someone who can explain this better.”
Okay, at first blush the large colorful posters stating “Free2” might be a little confusing. But it is purposely vague and ponderous (oh, those crafty advertising folks). The Free2 campaign is an attempt to raise awareness about what libraries give you freedom to do. We’re not just talking about checking out DVDs on the cheap, though that is part of it. More so, it’s about how libraries can help enhance your life.
Thousands of people walk through our doors everyday. Each and every person is free to… well, something. We'll leave that part up to you to decide. You’ll see words such as “connect,” “succeed,” “create,” and “explore” on the posters. These are just jumping off points. Maybe you are free to: hunt for ancestors, understand the temper tantrums of your Napoleonic two-year old, improve your language skills, cheat death, study, space out while you should be studying, enjoy public art, or make a ton of unnecessary noise (keep in mind we will feel free to shush you should you do that last one).
But here I am again filling in the blanks for you. Now it’s your turn to let us know what you are Free2…
posted by -jw-